Sunday, May 25, 2014

Let's Dance at Point Point Joint this Thursday Night May 29, 2014

Hello All You Fun-Loving Dancers,

  We're going to have fun again this coming Thursday May 29, 2014, in Point Point Joint, when the fabulous DJ Mel Zaragoza will be playing swing, cha cha, cumbia, tango, and many more - and of course - LINE DANCING!  Point Point will offer us dancers their fabulous $10 dinner special which includes a soft drink.  (More details below.).  This is your invitation to come on over and join the fun & frolic from 6pm until 10pm at Point Point Joint, National City.  

  Last Thursday May 22, 2014, had been advertised as "Wear-Your-Shorts NIght", but I was the only guy in shorts.  Nevertheless, 35 happy dancers showed up on a cool night at Point Point Joint to enjoy DJ Mel's dance music - the eight photos below tell part of the story.  I thanked Several of the dancers who had been in the YouTube video of "Beguine Per Sognare Line Dance" that was recorded at the previous Thursday night dance party at Point Point Joint on May 15th.         (Note: If the following photos do not appear when you look at this email, click the words at the top of this email that say something like "Show images which are still blocked to protect your privacy" - I already know who you are):


Nene danced almost every dance, and even Mark got up to dance a couple times.  Here they're dancing a night club 2-step.

Meanwhile across the floor, Nedy and Jake were dancing to the same night club 2-step. 

There were lots of line dances, as usual.  Here the dancers are enjoying one of the newest line dances to our Thursday night crowd, "Carinito", with Penny in front.   (I think it was the first Thursday night that "Caballero" was NOT played in a couple years.)

Estrelle, Solly and Nene had fun dancing to "Twist".

A few minutes later, Eva and DJ Dwayne danced to a night club 2-step.

Marilyn and Jake were also dancing to the same night club 2-step.

A bit later, Edith D and Edith R and Suzanne were dancing up a storm to "Poker Face".

Rima came by, and here she was dancing a cha cha with Ruben.


  It's a fun dance party most every Thursday night at Point Point Joint with line dances and ballroom dances like swing including Manila Swing (also known as 4-count hustle or Philippine swing or Filipino swing), cha cha, night club 2-step, tango and much much more.  For this weeks' Dance Party on Thursday (May 29th), Point Point Joint Restaurant, 916 E. 8th Street, National City, as usual offers their special price of $10 for 2-entree dinner plus drink for Thursday Night dancers. 

  Here's the plan for the next few weeks at Point Point

Thursday  May 29, 2014   6-10pm, DJ Mel Zaragoza, 619-947-9049

Thursday  June 5, 2014   6-10pm, DJ Mel Zaragoza

Thursday  June 12, 2014   6-10pm, DJ Mel Zaragoza

See you on the dance floor,
Bert & Edith

P.S. Other Notes: (1) The Thursday night dance parties are private parties, and this is the invitation to members of the email group to enjoy dancing in Point Point Joint Restaurant, a mere four miles from downtown San Diego.  While the dancing is continuous, there are dancers who are happy to give free dance lessons during the dances, in case you don't know the steps of a particular dance.  
(2) You can click on Hyperlinks in this email (colored like this one for "Beguine Per Sognare Line Dance") and others in this email to see things like: this group's Home Page and Upcoming Dances.

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