Sunday, December 20, 2020

NO DANCE PARTIES at Eastlake Thursday December 24, 2020, and until further notice

 Hello Dancers,   

  I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS, if that's possible. Thursday evening dancing at Eastlake remains cancelled until further notice due to coronavirus, including next Thursday, December 24, 2020. I hope everybody remains healthy and avoids the flu and coronavirus.
  The coronavirus epidemic statistics published for San Diego County got much worse over the past 3 weeks. The rate of new intensive care admissions was up to 6 per day, and the rate of deaths over the past three weeks shot up to 18 per day. In the past week vaccinations began for coronavirus in San Diego, and widespread availability is still expected in early 2021.   
  I'm now only sending these emails every 3 weeks.

Here's the dance party plan for the next few Thursdays at Eastlake:

No dances, until further notice.

Hoping to see you again soon on the dance floor,
Bert & Edith
619-224-3095 (house phone)

P.S. Other Notes: (1)  If you do NOT want these weekly emails anymore, you can "unsubscribe" by e-mailing me, or calling me (619-224-3095), or just "Reply" and type "unsubscribe".

(2) Archived emails and photos can be seen at my blog.